Thursday, February 9, 2012

my cats

So I figure this blog is about cats. Others have kids and i have white cats. One who sheds and one who sheds very little.She is Hazel and he is Rocco. She is small and he is a big boy. Both love you and are pet-able and sweet, well most of the time! Such is the life of a cat. Oh yes, i will now admit to a 3rd cat. The grand dame of our home....miss Mabel! Nearly 13 yrs old and not one who will let you pet her unless you hand out a bit  of treats and sit next to her on the couch or bed. Anyone who has 2 or three cats may have a Mabel. The lone feline for years, then forced to have a few siblings. Such is life. Look twice at a friend who does not like cats.

1 comment:

  1. Two years since i wrote a thing. Not exactly a lively blog. My dear Mabel was diagnosed with a hyper/hyper thyroid. I had to put her to sleep in May. One of my saddest days, but at the moment i did it, i knew it was right. As i wrote above, she just did not like the vet, so i did not take her. We might have caught this sooner, but we did not.
