Wednesday, June 15, 2011


 I often wonder when i met someone, how it is they do not like cats! Did there parents let them have one? Are they allergic?How in the world can they not like a cat??????? No no no they say...dogs are said to be mans best friend, but tell that to anyone who wakes in the morning to find there cats by there side purring and curled up cozy as can be.............


  1. Well....this is meant just for me I suppose, unless i tell someone about this blog. It is a cat world for me today. My old girl Mabel hovers at my feet, wherever i am, so i will get up and feed her or turn the faucet on for a drink for her. Really, i wish i could teach her to do it herself!

  2. myself and the cats still have food and a roof over our heads! As long as I the water faucet on for mabel and a brush for rocco..and food early in the am.....all is ok on the home front.

  3. hum....what to do with this whole blog. Nothing at this moment!

  4. Now it has been 4 years since i have come back here. Mabel went to heaven in 2016. Hyper Hyper thyroid got her. That girl who mostly just loved me was not happy about medication or any vet visits. She drooled and barely let me wipe her up. When I took her in to see if it was all going super downhill, I was told it was. Heartbeat and all that. Her last breath was a low growl. My dear Mabel was ready to face the other cats welcoming her on the bridge. Let me be! I got her for about 8 months after diagnoses. RIP
